Thomas Nelson SPANISH BIBLE: Biblia De Estudio Macarthur Reina Valera 1960 / Macarthur Study Bible, Leathersoft



Thomas Nelson SPANISH BIBLE: Thomas Nelson Biblia De Estudio Macarthur Reina Valera 1960, Leathersoft, Cafe, Con Indice / Spanish Macarthur Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Indexed

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Thomas Nelson SPANISH BIBLE: NBLA and RVR60 MacArthur Study Bible Biblia de Estudio MacArthur (RVR60 (6-3/16 x 9-3/16, 2112 pages, 9 point type, Comfort Print)); Brown Color Leathersoft (Faux Vegan Leather) Binding; Indexed with Guilded Edging – RVR 1960 MacArthur Study Bible – The well-known pastor John MacArthur offers through this Bible, more than 20,000 personal study notes, a product of 40 years of exegetical research and interpretation, aiming to clarify complex passages, explain in detail and with foundation, words that are of interest in the theological area. The MacArthur Study Bible is the most respected Bible in all of Europe and the American Continent. His exposition of sound doctrine and precise biblical thoughts make this copy an invaluable resource in the Christian life. Through the Reina Valera 1960 version, the reader will discover valuable resources that no other study Bible offers.

-Comprehensive content index
-How we got the Bible
-How to study the Bible
-The Queen of the versions in Spanish
-Detailed introduction to each book (includes interpretation challenges)
-Complete sketch of the book, theme by theme
-Introductions by groups of books
-Harmony of the Gospels
-Harmony of the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles in chronological order
-Exegetical Commentary on the entire Biblical text at the foot of the page
-Thematic index
-Introduction to the Inter-testamental Period
-Panoramic Theology Study
-Articles by John MacArthur
-Font size 9 points

About the Brand and Manufacturer

Thomas Nelson, one of the oldest and largest Bible publishers in the world, produces Bibles that display the authority and accuracy of God's Word. With a history reaching back over 200 years, Thomas Nelson began its work with the publication of the King James Bible. Their publishing work now extends to the ownership and commissioning of the New King James Version, along with publishing other modern language editions of the Bible. Ultimately, their mission is to publish beautiful Bibles in multiple translations for every age and stage of life. Thomas Nelson Bibles are read by millions of people around the world who trust us to honor God's Word through the various Bibles and products they publish. They strive to inspire others by delivering exceptional Bibles and study content so all people can connect with the gospel. It is a privilege to produce Bible editions that span such categories as reference, study, journal, devotional, teens, kids, and more. They produce the Bible in formats ranging from compact size to giant print in order to provide something for everyone desiring to engage with Scripture and immerse themselves in the Word of God.

Additional information

Weight 3.23 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7.125 × 2 in


Bible Indexed


Age Group

Book Type

Print Size Type

Bible Red Letter



Brand Thomas Nelson

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